Chemical Anchor Fixings

Chemical Anchor Overview
Our chemical anchor systems are from the RawlPlug range which is an all-purpose high performance chemical injection anchoring system for bonding fixings into concrete and masonry substrates.
RawlPlug chemical anchors can be used in place of more traditional mechanical anchors and are by and large considered to be the highest performing concrete fastener on the market. They are particular useful in replacing mechanical anchors in high load rated applications and in applications whereby substrate strength is difficult to determine due, generally, a more even distribution of the load.
They're a 2 part system stored in a chambered co-axial cartridge, the 600m pure epoxy is based on a high strength rapid cure epoxy resin and the 300ml & 400ml polyester is based on a polyester compound mix, it's completely styrene free so it's not harmful to users or the environment and it's not classified as a hazardous material so doesn't need any special storage, transport or empty cartridge disposal requirements on site.
We stock two types of chemical anchors in 2 different cartridge types - Polyester Chemical Anchoring in 300ml and 400ml tubes and Epoxy Chemical Anchoring in 600ml tubes.
Chemical anchors can often be confusing due to all suppliers using wildly different naming conventions, it's often referred to as chem set (a brand name) or chem anchors. Please find our comparison charts down below to make this selection easier.
Chemical Anchor Technical Data
All our chemical anchoring (both polyester and epoxy) is NCC (National Construction Code) compliant, ETA (European Technical Assessment) approved and also AS5216:2018 Australian Standard compliant, so you can be confident you are using a product that both meets and exceeds current regulations. Please refer to technical data sheets for correct installation methods. Further technical documents including various ETA approvals, documents in relation to cracked concrete, non-cracked concrete and other masonry materials are available for both selections of chemical anchor. The Rawlplug Epoxy is also C1/C2 Seismic Certified. Please find the technical documents for both variations below for download
Please get in contact with us if you need any further information or more technical data for your specific application.
Chemical Anchor Features
- Styrene free and operator safe
- High strength fast cure epoxy and polyester in stock
- NCC approved, ETA compliant and approved for both cracked and non-cracked concrete
- Rawl Epoxy Chemical C1 & C2 Seismic Certified - Use in flooded, core drill & underwater holes
- Polyester available in 300ml and 400ml cartridges.
- Rawlplug Epoxy available in 600ml cartridges
- All chemical includes 100+ year life design
- Free nozzles provided with all chemical anchor tubes
- Applicator tools / chem guns available for 300ml, 400ml & 600ml cartridges.
- Please refer to the technical documents provided below for performance on all chemical anchoring systems