304 Stainless Steel Screws
Our 304 Stainless Steel Screws selection:
You'll find many types of 304 grade stainless steel screws in this category, such as wood screws, self tapping screws, coach screws, decking screws etc
For specific types of screws, please use the top menu or use the filtering panel to the left hand side of the page, we also stock other finishes such as zinc plated, galvanised and ceramic coated
All screws are in stock and ready for despatch
What is 304 grade stainless steel?
304 grade stainless steel is the most commonly used grade of stainless when it comes to screws and screw manufacturing. In a nutshell, the higher grade the stainless steel, the higher corrosion resistance, the weaker the steel. 304 grade is a brilliant grade to use for screws as it is corrosion resistant enough for 99% of applications but also keeps some strength in the fastener. A key point to make is that 316 grade stainless should only really be used in marine environments or extremely corrosive environments.