Yellow Zinc Plated Screws
Our Yellow Zinc Plated Screws selection:
You'll find many types of yellow zinc plated screws in this category, such as wood screws, self tapping screws, coach screws, chipboard screws, tek screws etc
For specific types of screws, please use the top menu or use the filtering panel to the left hand side of the page, we also stock other finishes such as zinc plated, galvanised and ceramic coated
All screws are in stock and ready for despatch
What is yellow zinc plating?
Zinc plating is primarily used to protect metals from corrosion effects. Zinc coatings prevent corrosion of protected metal by forming a physical barrier and acting as a sacrificial anode - even when this barrier is damaged. Zinc plating is perfect for all internal application where high amounts of corrosion are not expected. Zinc plated screws are also the most economical fasteners to manufacture and are generally the most popular. A key point is that there is no corrosion differences between bright zinc and yellow zinc plating, it is purely a cosmetic difference